Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today is May 3rd which is our anniversary and 5 days later, Ryan will turn 1!  He knows how to clap hands, try to walk and play hide and seek, and he smiles more often, he is just so cute! Oh! Time really flies.  I was looking at Wynne's old pictures (about 2 years of age) and I so missed little Wynne!  She was so adorable which somehow I wished she could stay at that stage a little longer!  Oh btw, grandma will be going back to Toronto tomorrow and we will be seeing her and my family in ~1year!

11如1,12如2,13如3...九恩歌is something that all kids should memorize during primary 2 maybe?  Wyn could remember up to 4x5=20 now...people would definitely say she is smart being able to memorize it but I as a mother has actually given so much effort in it... Being a mother is easy but being a good and responsible mother is so difficult!

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