Friday, June 22, 2012

Strawberry Heat!

June, it's the season of strawberry in Toronto! We picked quite a lot of strawberries this time, was really fun! Many kids like strawberries, well even the adults do too. What's so special about it nutritionally?

1cup of raw strawberries (140g)
11g carbohydrate
2.9g fibre
7g sugar
1.0g protein
0.4g fat
85mg vitamin C

*1 cup of raw strawberries contains about 1.5tsp sugar (but it's fruit sugar-fructose, a sugar that has lower glycemic index than table sugar, which prevent a sudden surge of blood glucose level in your body and helps to normalize your blood glucose level too!)
*Great source of vitamin C to boost up your immune system against flu and cold!
*The iron of strawberry is only about 1/3 of that of dried prunes, don't just look at the color and think it's high in iron!!!

Written by: Michelle Cheung, Registered Dietitian

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