Thursday, July 11, 2013

Diary: Wynne and Ryan on summer holidays in TW

Spending summer in TW is not so fun at all.  Beside having 35C everyday, typhoon visits us very often too.  The first typhoon is expecting to come tomorrow...

The kids are on holidays.  Ryan basically doesn't have much things to do since I didn't sign him up for any summer program, but I do teach Ryan at home...spelling, colouring, reading etc.  After a year in Smart Start, he speaks a lot of mandarin at home but sometimes, he mixes up mandarin with cantonese...  As for Wynne, she attends a local summer program where she gets to speak more mandarin with her friends...which is very good, I am not expecting her to learn chinese writing but at least she needs to speak fluent mandarin.  Oh, speaking of Wynne, she has shown a tremendous improvement in english speaking/literacy skills which really amazed me.  She uses phonics to spell the words and starts reading chapter books... but I hope she can speak up a little bit more and express her feeling in the class.

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