Friday, October 15, 2010

Work: Fussy eater

Seen a fussy eater case yesterday, she was actually here for FU. She was 2.5 yr old and her wt-ht was 10-25%, not really bad indeed. As other fussy eaters, she didn't like veg and most kinds of meat. According to her mom, the pt decided what to eat and when to eat, and this is the major problem that leads the pt having a poor eating habit. The mother tried to starve the pt since the pt refused all the foods offered, but seems like the pt had endurable energy even no foods were taken. Some more suggestions for the mother,

1. Keep trying to offer the pt veg and meat, young kids often refuses new foods, sometimes it may take 15 attempts before the kids try something new.
2. Get the kids involved in food preparation and cooking.
3. Take the control in deciding what to eat.
4. Establish a good eating environment, no TV allowed during mealtimes to avoid distraction.
5. Review other protein rich foods in the meat group
6. Some milk supplements prescribed.

Other suggestions,
Food hunting (go to supermarket together and look for healthy foods)
Read recipe together with the pt

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